Reviewed by-Bhupender soni Follow us on facebook

Cast: Pulkit Samrat, Bilal Amrohi, Sarah-jane Dias, Anupam kher, Vijay Raaj, Mandira Bedi..
Direction: Umesh Bist
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1 hour 47 minutes
Plot-Two Investigative Reporters 'PP' and 'Aids' seek a scam to expose- what happens when they find one?
NMR's Review--- 'O Teri' is a political satire that besed
on scam of Games...
during this some problem occures with the "pp" and "Aids"..
that shown in the movie.. Its disappoints Alot..
Direction, Music, Screenplay etc.. all are executed very
badly.. and sometime comic dialouges are also fall flat.
Ratings-- NMR gives 2 stars out of 5...
>>==overall its a bad attempt.. after watching "O Teri"....
Your reaction should be "O shit" what is it..