Reviewed by-Bhupender soni Follow us on facebook

Cast: Manish paul, Elli Avaram, Manish Choudhary, Puja Gupta and Varun Badola
Direction: Saurabh Varma
Genre: thrill-comedy.
Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes.
PLOT-The cops are cracking a cyber crime case and they hire hacker Mickey to crack the plot .it opens a lethel can of worms that no ordinary anti-virus can kill.
The story is no different for the audience. The film delivers a few stray laughs and generates a few suspenseful moments, but at the end of the exercise, it is left with a flat, flaccid climax.
Mickey Virus has two distinct halves - the first is devoted to loads of youthful drollery as two policemen strive to get the computer whizkid on their side; the second takes on the form of a deadly whodunit in which several lives are lost. second half is good to see that there are several moments that entertained the audiounce.
Manish paul is good in his first movie. he makes a good debut with confidence and promise. but there are lots of improvements need to improve acting skills..
Varun Badola is extremely good in the movie. Varma flourish in wit and humour. he is superb in the movie.
Elli Avaram "the big boss girl" average in her debutant movie.
And the remaining cast is also good in their job. they performs well in the movie..
music of Mickey virus is average. there are a few songs that are catchy...
screenplay- The screenplay isn't as smart as it pretends to be. It is neither all that funny nor particularly thrilling.
2.5 stars out of 5...
VERDICT- overall Mickey virus is a good debutant movie for Manish and Elli. its definately a one time watch movie...
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