Reviewed by-Bhupender soni Follow us on facebook

Cast: Ranveer singh, Arjun kapoor, Priyanka chopra, Irrfan khan.. etc..
Direction: Ali abbas zafar
Genre: Drama
Duration: 2 hours 33 minutes
Certification: (U/A)
Plot-Bikram and Bala control calcutta's black trade. both falling in love with Nandita..and the story continuoeus...Story review--In terms of story, story is set up in 70s era..both are from bangladesh and they reach culcutta and they become "Gunday"..and then ACP(Irrfan) enters and story continuous....
Performance--In terms of performances this movie is terrific,, performances of all stars is very catchy.. its good to see "Irrfan Khan" in the movie.
Music-Music of the movie is above average but few songs like "tune mari entriyaan, dil me bji ghantiyaan" is very well executed..
Ratings-- NMR gives 3 stars out of 5...
verdict-- overall Gunday is a good attempt by the makers its really enjoyable and one time watcheable also...Or we can say that GUNDAY is like "old wine in new bottle" 2.5 stars to the movie and 1/2 star extra only for the good performances given in the movie..
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