Reviewed by-Bhupender soni Like NMR on facebook

Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Parth Bhalerao, Boman Irani, Sanjay Mishra..
Direction:Nitesh Tiwari
Genre: Drama
Duration: 2 hour 35 minutes
Plot-Our good hearted Ghost is back again on earth to do some social work by contesting Election and befriending a street-smart slumboy... can he succedd????
NMR's Review--- In his second movie Nitesh Tiwari(first is Chillar party) again done a great job.... this movie also has a great message with entertainment for the elections which are now running in India.. this time the Bhoothnath again comes to earth for social work and in his opposition we meet Boman Irani with a great performance.. and the Akhroat(parth) friend of Bhootnath is also with Bhootnath..
Sanjay Mishra-in his every scene he succedd to laugh the people and sharukh khan, Ranbir kapoor and surprisingly Anurag kashyap done a sweet and nice guest appearence.
Music--music is above average.. nice to listen "party to bnti h". honey singh rocks again.
Ratings-- NMR gives 3 stars out of 5...
overall its a good attempt.. this is entertainment with message... No words for Amitabh Bachchan at the age of 70 above he is extraordinary and fresh.
>>>on this Election 'A msg from NMR to bnta h'---
"Respect your vote", "Respect your country"
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Ok movie. Message is good. People should come out & vote for the candidate & not be lured by money, alcohol or be afraid of threats. But allowing a bhoot contest elections is too much. Instead the bhoot should have helped to find a good human candidate & encouraged people to vote for him/her. And why on earth Bhootnath was contesting elections for a future better India when he was sent to earth to scare a few kids & come back?